22 de abril de 2009

A nice poem to share

Do you care about our Planet?
What are you going to do in order to take care of your planet Earth? Are you going to make the difference?. If you begin, everybody is going to follow you. So, do not pollute, keep your place clean, and reuse, reduce, and recycle.

Our Beautiful Planet Earth

Dear parents and children
We want to celebrate this important day with you watching this amazing video. With this we can realize how precious and wonderful is our planet.
Approximately 4.54 billion years ago this planet we call home, that we call Earth, came into being. And about 40 years ago we started to have an international day for celebrating this "birthday" of our only planet.
Here we are, sitting on a huge rock with a delicate crust of magnificent blues and greens. That supports millions of different life forms. That provides us with the basis for our loves, hopes, and dreams which make up our everyday lives.
That's why we need to be thankful with this our only planet and take care of it. Lets teach our children to save energy, to reuse, reduce and recycle. Talk with them about pollution and ways to avoid it. It is hard work but not impossible. We must create a caring conscience. You can make the difference. ¡Have a green day!

Earth Day

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