27 de abril de 2009


El jueves 23 de abril los niños de primer y segundo grado estaban muy entusiasmados y algo nerviosos porque tenían que desempatar. Algunos seguían alentando a su equipo, otros observaban con mucha curiosidad y otros se preguntaban ¿Cuál sería la prueba para el desempate? Al fin sus dudas fueron resueltas se iba realizar una prueba de velocidad, ahora no estaríamos tan confiados, ya que los chicos del primer grado eran súper veloces. Salió el equipo representante se organizó quién va delante, quién detrás y empezó la competencia...El consejo de la miss “Chicos corran como si hubiera un león persiguiéndolos” y así lo hicieron, no pararon hasta !!!!!GANAR!!!!! Y estalló la barra con un fuerte “Second grade” “Second grade” que se escuchó en todo el colegio. Para recuperar fuerzas unos dulces como premios reconfortaron a todos los participantes incluida la barra. Muy bien chicos Felicitaciones. Una vez más el segundo grado demostró todo su entusiasmo y esfuerzo. Miss Emma

23 de abril de 2009

Ralley's day

Today was a great day! today was the Ralley's day!
All students had fun and enjoyed playing in the competitions the school organized.
There were lots of enthusiasm and happines around the school.
You can see our children excited and yelling; wishing they could win grade 1.
And...finally, We won !!!!!!!!


This week, we are celebrating one more anniversary of our dear St. George's College. We are having fun times decorating our classrooms, talking about St. George's college, drawing and coloring pictures related to the school.

Let's celebrate together 77 years of excellence and great achievements.

We know that our values and our vision are important; especially if they are integrated into making great things happen—getting things done.

Happy anniversary St. George's College!!!!

Myspace Comments

22 de abril de 2009

A nice poem to share

Do you care about our Planet?
What are you going to do in order to take care of your planet Earth? Are you going to make the difference?. If you begin, everybody is going to follow you. So, do not pollute, keep your place clean, and reuse, reduce, and recycle.

Our Beautiful Planet Earth

Dear parents and children
We want to celebrate this important day with you watching this amazing video. With this we can realize how precious and wonderful is our planet.
Approximately 4.54 billion years ago this planet we call home, that we call Earth, came into being. And about 40 years ago we started to have an international day for celebrating this "birthday" of our only planet.
Here we are, sitting on a huge rock with a delicate crust of magnificent blues and greens. That supports millions of different life forms. That provides us with the basis for our loves, hopes, and dreams which make up our everyday lives.
That's why we need to be thankful with this our only planet and take care of it. Lets teach our children to save energy, to reuse, reduce and recycle. Talk with them about pollution and ways to avoid it. It is hard work but not impossible. We must create a caring conscience. You can make the difference. ¡Have a green day!

Earth Day

8 de abril de 2009

The Easter Story

Dear children with this nice video you can practice your reading. Listen and repeat to pronounce well. Follow the reading and later we will comment about it.

He is Risen

Dear parents and children we want to share with you this nice video. We hope you have a Happy Easter Celebration. Happy Holidays!

Happy Easter!

What do plants need to grow?

In this game you can help a plant grow, but be careful, because it must has the necessary water and ligth to grow healthy.

Try to keep Ben healthy by providing him what he needs.

Dear Kids; here you are a fun game to keep Ben stay healthy.
Enjoy it

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